Saturday, January 1, 2011

Whose Country Is It, Anyway?

You make a good point, Paparazzo. And it brings up a topic that I'd really like to address.

You see, in recent times, it seems to me like the whole world had clued in to “by the people, for the people”, and yet they really didn’t put the pieces together. To me, “by the people, for the people”  means that this country was founded by the people, and the policies and statutes of this country should be made and upheld by the people. It’s what we want, and sink or swim, it’s what we decided on. Our country. By us, for us.

And yet...

And yet today, politicians aren’t respecting the people. It seems like it’s all “by the politicians, for the people”. We say that everything is for the people, and yet everything we vote on is so slandered and torn to pieces and talked about and lied about and – it gets to the point where it’s impossible to know what the people want, because the people are freakin’ confused. Where do we draw the line between politics and flat out lying? When does it end?

These days, it doesn’t really matter what the people want. The only thing that really matters is what the important people want. The celebrities and the wealthy people and the lobbyists, they matter. They can voice their opinions and be heard. But us? What about the real people, the people that are affected?

What about what they think?

If we’re talking about Prop B, then I’ll use that as an example. People here, people that were against the bill passing, said that it only passed because of the ‘city vote’. But the ‘city vote’ was still the voice of the people. That’s the same mentality I’m talking about – you can only voice your opinion if you’re important enough to be heard. The ‘city people’ might not say the same things that you’re saying, but does that mean their voice is any less meaningful? Does that mean that they don’t deserve to be heard?

If we allow this bill to repealed, then what kind of message are we setting? “You can voice your opinion and be long as you’re saying the right thing.” Is that what the ‘American Dream’ has become? A muddled mess of political agendas and biased objections?

I say that if America is going to thrive, then it’s not a bill or a political agenda or a speech that’s going to save us. I say that the only thing that can save this country is reverting it back to what it was meant to be – “by the people, for the people.”

Listen up, America. Because one of these days, the people are going to start screaming so loud that you can’t ignore or muddle them anymore.

The question is, will it save us?

Or will it be too late to make a difference?

Affectionately until the next rant,

-Writer Girl <3
(Song Playing On My iPod Right Now: Up Against A Wall by Boys Like Girls)

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