Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Questions That Haunt Us

Greetings, readership!

Today I come not with an answer or an opinion, but instead with a question. This is a question directed at everyone, and it's a question that I think we all need to ask ourselves - why?

The reason I'm asking is because today... was stressful. Scratch that. This past month has been stressful, at least for me, and I keep lying awake at night and just thinking. I think about all the whys in my life - why did this happen, why didn't that happen, why didn't I say this or why did I say that.

But that's the wrong why.

The truth is, I can lie awake every night for the rest of my life asking myself why everything in life isn't perfect. But if I do, then I'm going to wake up one day and see that I spent my life asking why it happened, instead of accepting the fact that it did. We all act like there's some big significant reason why everything is what it is and does what it does, but I don't think that human beings are actually smart enough to figure out that reason. I think that the smartest thing we can do is just to accept ourselves, and live with whatever comes, and stop asking all those whys.

Because there's only one why that's ever going to be important - why do we have to know?

I'm 15 years old. I spend all those nights asking myself why, but what happens if I figure it out? What's that supposed to accomplish? Is knowing supposed to make everything magically better for me? Is finding all these answers really going to make me happy?

That's a question I can answer: No.

So today, instead of asking myself why, I'm going to stop caring why. Why something happened doesn't matter a bit - the only thing that really matters is what. What we do about it, what we say, what we accomplish in our lives.

I'm 15 years old, and guess what? I don't know why. And I'm not going to know why when I'm 16, or 17, or 25, or 50. I'm never going to know why, and neither are you. Which is why I dare you to stop asking yourself why.

Instead, I dare you to start asking yourself "Why not?"

Until next time,
-Writer Girl<3

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