Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What does one do over a long break?

Dang! Sorry to break it to you Writer Girl, but I doubt anyone really cares about your little comic dilemma ;) Maybe a few people out there :P

Anyway! What's new in the world of Paparazzo? Well, absolutely nothing! Christmas break is strangely boring, but thankfully, I have a few good books to satisfy my boredom.

The first being Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. If you want a really long book for a really long occasion (like Christmas break) I would recommend it! It takes FOREVER to really get going, but once it does, it's quite good.

Now I'm reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. And just like his last series, (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), I can't seem to put it down... I love reading about Greek mythology, and his plots are quite epic.

As you can probably tell, Writer Girl has gone through and edited this post. (Note the pictures and all the correct spelling.)

Well, that's about all that's new with me! Now I'm just getting prepared for the new year :\


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