Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wow. You Un-Friended Me. Take That?

Hey, ladies and gents!

Okay, today I'm going to rant about something that I'm sure we all understand - Facebook. Facebook is, to put it simply, huge. It even has its' movie, for chrissakes! (And a dang good one, at that...)

People have everything they could possibly ever need for communication: picture sharing, "statuses", "wall posts", games, chat. It's pretty much just a gigantic, digital version of high school. And what is high school known for?


So, naturally, we have Facebook drama.

But just because it's natural, doesn't mean it makes sense. I mean, I know that it's just natural for people to have conflicts, but am I the only person that doesn't like mondo-publicized conflict? I mean, I've been known to be sassy now and again, but I've NEVER had the desire to out somebody in front of millions of people. 

And that's what Facebook drama is, isn't it?

You're putting your problem out there for EVERYONE to see, and EVERYONE knows exactly what you're doing. All the threats, all the anger and violence and whatnot...it's there for everybody to point and laugh at and say, "HAHAA! You guys are such freakin' LOSERS..!"

I mean, like today - these two girls were going back and forth over a wall post, and they were seriously getting violent! They were calling each other "bitches" and "whores" and talking about all the people that the other one had slept with, and it was just like, "Wow...you guys are seriously doing this where everyone can see?"

It's pretty bad when I can tell you every guy these girls have slept with...and I've met both of them in person, like, twice.

One word: Ewwy.

Okay, yeah, conflict is always going to happen. But if you know a conflict is starting, why not just walk away from Facebook? If you're really angry, why don't you guys just "take it out back" or something? Is this really giving you the emotional gratification you want?

Or maybe the whole "Facebook fights" thing is starting up because, quite frankly, they can't just "take it out back". Maybe the Facebook fights let them say things that they normally wouldn't in person. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, it's just a sort of observation.

I wonder what would happen if you put these girls in a room together, a clear room, and let them see the hundreds of people that are watching them fight. If they knew that hundreds of people were watching and pointing and laughing...would they still be spitting out names of guys? Would they still be yelling "bitch!" and "whore!" and all that if they knew just how many hundreds of ears were going to hear it?

I doubt it. Because then they'd see the hurt in the other person's eyes. Then they'd see the other person crying over something they said. Over the computer, you can't see someone's face. You can't see the damage you've done.

So does the silent absence of faces allow us to speak louder?

And do we really want to hear it?

Until the Next Rant!
-Writer Girl <3

(*P.S. - What do you guys think? Am I right? Am I wrong?)

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